Community Flow
One Northern Devon’s Community Flow programme aims to provide better access to community support. It aims to ensure closer links between the hospital and the wider support available in communities from volunteers, the wider VCSE sector and the wider ‘One Community’ partnerships in the six towns and one village in Northern Devon.
This new Community Flow offer provides all patients who are medically fit for discharge with a personalised assessment of their non-medical needs and provision of the appropriate service. This can range from a check-in call on discharge through to solution-focused case work aimed at increasing wellbeing, connection and support within their community.
The Community Flow Provider Co-Ordinator is responsible for organising, coordinating and purchasing unregulated care for up to 6 weeks for patients that have been identified as part of the Community Flow programme.
To find out more about Community Flow and how to make a referral please click here: Community Flow – One Northern Devon.