If you have been given an eviction notice from a landlord or have been asked to leave a property and have no where to go then the following information should be used as a guide for how to get help. You maybe at risk of being homeless so it is important to seek help and ask for support.
Firstly, you should speak with your local authority housing department, use the resource links below, to find out if the eviction is legal and to understand your rights. You may need to make an appointment with them to make a homeless application. By making a homeless application the Housing Options Officer can decide if you have a priority need and therefore if they have a duty to you. Priority is given to the vulnerable and those in most need, but they are there to give advice and information to everyone. They can help you with:
- your rights and responsibilities
- finding the right accommodation
- improving communication with family, landlords or lenders
- being evicted
- dealing with violence or aggression
- getting help from other organisation
The Housing Options Officer be able to give you financial support to prevent you becoming homeless. This could include: rent deposits, rent in advance, help with rent or mortgage arrears. They will need to carry out a financial assessment to check that you are eligible.