The British Gas Energy Trust (BGET) project is delivered through our Wisermoney which is a strategic partnership between Navigate CIO and Encompass Southwest.

The aim of the BGET project is to improve the quality of life, financial wellbeing and financial resilience of people living in North Devon, Mid Devon and West Somerset. The project supports vulnerable people living on low incomes, people experiencing mental health problems and people with disabilities.   

The project provides high quality advice, support and information services that are accessible, independent and confidential. The scope of advice and information work ranges from light touch information giving, sign-posting, guidance and supported referral services to comprehensive case-work focusing on clients with multiple and complex needs.

The BGET project can support with a variety of issues including:

  • Money and Debt Advice
  • Budgeting and Income Maximisation
  • Welfare Benefits advice and support
  • Fuel Poverty
  • Mental Health support via a specialist Mental Health Adviser

Our advisers can meet with you in your home or you can visit Transform 4 Work Advice Centre in Ilfracombe to see an adviser or have a welfare benefits check.

Contact a Wisermoney adviser if you are:

  • facing crisis and in need of urgent assistance;
  • struggling to manage personal debt;
  • worrying about meeting monthly repayments;
  • in need of help to prepare a flexible, realistic budget;
  • worrying about money;
  • experiencing difficulty following changes to your benefits;
  • facing redundancy or have lost your job
  • struggling to make ends meet on a limited budget.

Online Advice Offered by BGET

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