Debt Relief Orders (DRO)
A debt relief order (DRO) is a way to have your debts written off if you have a relatively low level of debt and have few assets. If you qualify, our specialist DRO advisers can apply to the Insolvency Service for you. A DRO freezes your debt repayments and interest for 12 months. If your financial situation hasn’t changed at the end of this period then all of the debts included will be written off. As we’re an approved organisation, we can help you apply for a DRO if you’re eligible.
Benefits of a DRO
- A debt relief order can be a low-cost alternative to bankruptcy.
- You don’t pay anything towards your debts for 12 months, after that they’ll be written off.
- Your creditors can’t pursue you for your debts during the 12 month period.
- Although a DRO is a formal debt solution, you don’t need to appear in court.
Risks of a DRO
- A DRO is only available if you owe less than £20,000 and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
- You’ll need to pay the Insolvency Service a one-off fee of £90. If you qualify, our specialist team can help you apply.
- You can’t apply if you’re a homeowner.
- A DRO will appear on a public register and will affect your credit report negatively.
Useful numbers to call
For more information please contact us on 01271 371 499 to arrange to speak with one of our specialist advisers.
National Debt line: 0808 808 400
Mon-Fri 9am-8pm and Sat 9.30am-1pm
Online web-chat is available, see web-site link below
Payplan: 0800 280 2816
Debt Management Plan – Individual Volunteer Agreement (IVA’s)
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm and Sat 9am-3pm
Web-site link below
Citizens Advice: 03444 111 444
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Web-site link below
Debt Advice Foundation: 0800 043 4050
Assisted Financial/Debt advice offered via telephone advisers
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm and Sat 9am-3pm
Web-site link below
Debt Consultancy Service: 0800 080 3191
Exeter Based – EX2 7LL
Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm and Fri 10am-3pm
Web-site link below